Friday, October 29, 2010

The Lost Film

The owner of the original video was going to sell the video for lots of money but he lost it. One day the owner hired a movie directer to remake the video at the same theater were the original video was lost. The new film ended up looking just like the original video or so they thought. What really happened was when they were remaking the film in 1996 a person walked by talking on a cellphone.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


I would name the penguin Fluffy because he is fury.

The Bald Tiger

If I could be any animal a Bald Tiger which is a mix between a Bald Eagle and and a Tiger. The reason I would want to be this is were I could be very sneaky like a Tiger. Also I could fly very high and have good eye sight like a Bald Eagle. With theses skills I would be on the top of the food chain.

Friday, October 8, 2010


If I was trapped 700 meter under in the ground I would want Dr. Pepper because that is my favorite drink. I would also like an I pod and a movie player to keep me entertained. The final thing I would want is to make it out alive.

Friday, October 1, 2010

My near death

One day I was cruising around and my big green air plane when all of a sudden the red low fuel light came on. I became very nervous and decided I was going to have to make a crash landing, but there was just one problem there were to many trees. I then saw a blue lake down below me and new that was my only way out so I flew the plane down into landing position. Then I safely crashed the small plane into the water.