Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Our saftey

I think that the pat downs are good when your talking about protecting us from terrorist bombs. But the scanning machines should be banned until we get better technology and can actually detect bombs. The reason is that if it can't pickup bombs there no point in having it. My overall opinion is that the pat down should be continued but only with proper training and the scanning machines should be banned

Tuesday, November 23, 2010


My plans for thanks giving is to got to my Grandma's house in Hollis and eat lunch with my whole family. When I get back to my house my dad will probably cook a brisket and we will eat it for supper. After we eat supper we will most likely hang around the house for the rest of the week. Then Tuesday I'll come back to school and do some editing.

1. God
2. Family
3. Turkey
4. Grandma
4. Break
5. My Horses
6. A Great School
7. My Dog
8.My House
9. My English Teacher
10. The rest of my teacher's

Thursday, November 18, 2010


People say people that when people are addicted tobacco its hard for them to stop. But we don't know how to stop the addiction. The pictures of the after effects of using these products is very nasty. I think the pics would be the key to stopping cigarette use.

Monday, November 8, 2010


The state of Calofornia banned McDonalds toys because they said it was just a incentive to by junk food that wasn't healthy. I do agree with the decision they made because all the food was just fat. But the changes they have to make to is to have at most 600 calories in a meal. I think the meal should include just food.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

My favorite meal

My favorite meal is chicken fried steak. When I order that I get mashed potatoes and gravy with buttery corn. I would like to eat my meal with my great family. I would also like to eat the wonderful meal in my own house.