Tuesday, January 25, 2011

I Blog

The best app I know of is cube runner which is a game were you cant hit any cubes. The worst app I have ever used was the basketball game because I never could make any points and it was a waste of $.99. If I could invent an app it would be called I App. This app would allow you to make your own app were you could play any game you could think of and it wouldn't cost anything.

Friday, January 21, 2011


I think using the i pod would be useless at our school because we already have computers. But they would be good for smaller schools that couldn't afford computers. Some of the things it could be helpful for is a calculators for math instead of having to change to batteries every week. Another thing you could do is download a book onto your I pod were you wouldn't have to carry a book everywhere.

Monday, January 10, 2011


Last year President Obama made roughly 400,000 which is a whole lot of money. But Trevor Brazile made 507,921. I personally don't see a problem in the the yearly earnings of the President. The reason is because we all pay him and if he wanted more money we would have to pay more in taxes.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Drug Cartels

Since Felipe Calderon became president 11,000 people have died, he also declared war on the Cartels. The Cartels have been murdering people and smuggling drugs and guns. Some of the Cartels names our the Gulf Cartel, Los zetas and Los Negros. However on Cartel called La Famila called truce for the month of January and told everyone by giving letters to everyone. In my opinion I think its a bad place to be right now and if I lived there I would move.