Saturday, February 26, 2011


If I could be any insect I would be an ant. The reason I would want to be an ant is because I would have many friends. I could also fit into tiny spots if I needed to find shelter. Another reason I would want to be an ant because I could eat anything I wanted to.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Oxy Clean Man

If I could give Billy Mays any advise I would tell him not to get on that plane. Just think if he was alive he would still be selling Oxy Clean. Now that he is dead there is not as many products sold. There is also not as many new products anymore.

Monday, February 7, 2011


I think Black History month is a good thing because it's recognizing all the African Americans who stood up for there freedom. But it does make some people mad because they think there being races. But if there going to have Black History Month you need to have Indian History Month. The reason is because Indians were forced into little territories that had hardly any natural resources and they survived for the most part. We also need to have America History month because so many Americans fought for our freedom. But over all I think Black History Month is a good thing.