Monday, March 28, 2011

Super Poweres

If I could have two powers of any choice it would really cool. My first power that I would have would be speed where I could win all of the track meets. I could also get to class faster where I wouldn't be late. My second power would be the power of coping other powers where I could have all powers. With my two powers I could be the best super hero on earth.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Kids Rule

If kids ruled the world there would be no boring school at all. You could stay asleep for as long as you wanted to. There would also be an awesome flag that was red and black. But the best thing of all you could do anything or go anywhere that you wanted.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

My Room

My room is very messy and disorganized. But my favorite thing about my room is my comfortable couch which is green. My ancient carpet is white with red and green lines. Another good thing about my room is that I have a cool walk in closet.